Don’t Kill the Miller Moths

12:47 pm

A Case for Coexistence Colorado’s beautiful landscapes are home to a variety of flora and fauna, including the humble Miller Moth. While their annual arrival may be met with mixed feelings by residents, the humankind, it is important to recognize the ecological value of these insects and understand why they should not be indiscriminately killed. In this article, we will explore the significance of Miller Moths in Colorado’s ecosystem and highlight the benefits of coexisting with these fascinating creatures. Natural Pollinators One of the crucial roles Miller Moths play in Colorado’s ecosystem is their contribution as natural pollinators. These moths,…

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Manifest an Early Spring by Sprucing up for It

12:13 pm

Spring Cleaning Tips Time for spring cleaning has arrived! Here is a helpful list of items that you may clean on a regular basis, but if you don’t, Spring is the perfect time to get after it! We have lots of cleaning referrals if you need one so please don’t hesitate to reach out! Every Room in the House: -Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures -Clean windowsills and window tracts and vacuum window treatments and window blinds -Wipe down shoe molding and dust room corners for cobwebs -Test batteries in all your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, disinfect doorknobs, cabinet…

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5 Things To Know About Homeowner’s Insurance

11:18 am

  Here are five terms you should know when it comes to homeowner’s insurance!   ONE: Deductible: A homeowners insurance deductible is the amount of money a homeowner must pay out of pocket before home insurance coverage kicks in. When the insurance company pays the claim, it will be for the total amount of the damage minus the amount of the deductible. TWO: Liability Coverage: The personal liability coverage within your homeowners policy provides coverage to pay for claims of bodily injury and property damage sustained by others for which you or covered residents of your household are legally responsible.this covers…

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How to Winterize Your Home in a Weekend

1:21 pm

  Pride of ownership sells a home faster than most anything else, if you get in the habit of taking care of your home regularly count on an easier sale when it’s time to move. Part of that “Home Care” program should be readying your home for the cold weather. Here are some tips to help you get it done in a weekend!   Programmable Thermostat: The US Department of Energy says you can save as much as 1% on your energy bill for every degree you lower your home’s temperature during the winter. Install a programmable thermostat now and save money…

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